Licensed Providers

DBHDS licenses public and private providers of community services throughout Virginia. DBHDS licenses services that provide treatment, training, support and habilitation to individuals who have mental illness, developmental disabilities or substance abuse disorders, to individuals receiving services under the Medicaid DDWaiver, or to individuals receiving services in residential facilities for individuals with brain injuries.

Here are two options to search Virginia’s providers licensed by DBHDS: Link here.

  • LICENSED PROVIDER LOCATION SEARCH to find more information about providers that have been licensed or are in the process of being licensed by DBHDS.  Search instructions: Click on the drop-down box arrows to refine your selections.  Click on the “+” (plus sign) to display more detailed information.
  • PROVIDER INSPECTION/INVESTIGATION REPORTS SEARCH to find information about providers in Virginia who are licensed by DBHDS. Search instructions: Click on the Provider drop-down box (gray arrow), scroll down and click on the desired provider name.  Next, click on the Services drodown box (blue arrow), scroll down and click on the desired provider service-location. Finally, select a Report Type to view any inspection or investigation report completed after January 1, 2012.

For additional information for Intellectual Disability (ID) licensed providers, please click here.

If you are looking for more information about licensing processes or procedures, please click here

More Information on Ebola
The Virginia Department of Health (VDH) has the latest information about ebola for healthcare providers and individuals.